Energy and Environmental Conservation

We are dedicated to fostering a responsible mindset and building awareness about energy and environmental conservation among all staff and executives as well as customers, suppliers, and the general population using various communication channels of the Bank.

Bualuang Saves Energy Project

We have launched a mandatory online course via the BBLearn channel on energy management to raise awareness and encourage energy and environmental conservation by executives and staff at all levels. As of the end of 2021, 12,912 employees had joined the course, accounting for 61.52 percent of all employees, of which 8,443 employees were employees working in designated buildings, representing 95.33% of total employees working in designated buildings.

No More Waste - Sort, Reduce, Stop, Use Project

The Bank educates all employees on how to sort garbage the right way through a PR campaign How to Discard, How to Sort Garbage, and encourages them to reduce, stop or avoid consuming resources unnecessarily by saying no to single-use plastics like spoons and forks, condiment sachets or receipts. In addition, we have organized various activities to encourage all employees to share their ideas on garbage sorting which other colleagues can learn from. An online curriculum was also developed about garbage sorting at the Bank which aimed to build awareness about everyday waste sorting and ensure that employees can sort garbage properly at the Bank.


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