Effectively manage your financing with two options:

  • Exchange the principal, interest and final amount

In this CCS transaction the principal, interest and final amount of the loan repayment are exchanged. The company can enter into a CCS transaction using their preferred currency and can choose to exchange with either a fixed or floating interest rate as agreed with the Bank.

  • Exchange only interest and the final amount

In this CCS transaction only interest and the final amount of the loan repayment are exchanged. The company can enter into a CCS transaction to manage foreign exchange and interest rate risks. This is applicable for companies having revenue in a currency that is different from the currency of their expenses.

Key Benefits

  • Protect your business against foreign exchange and interest rate risks by swapping the principal and interest payments from one currency to your preferred currency and with your preferred fixed or floating interest rate.
  • Determine costs by taking into account exchange and interest rate trends and to manage your company’s liquidity more easily.

Service Conditions

  • You must have a credit limit applicable to the CCS transactions.
  • You must have underlying transactions as required by the regulations of the Bank of Thailand.
  • You must receive or deliver currencies as agreed in the CCS transactions for the whole period of agreement.
  • Charges may be applied for amendment/termination of the CCS transactions.

For more information, please call (66) 0 2021 1155


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