Fund Highlights


To receive better returns from investing in the Thai stock market through the SET Index.

Investment strategy

Use a passive management strategy which makes it easy to track performance.


Covers investments in over 800 Thai listed companies.

Fund Details

Fund Name
Bualuang Small Mid Equity Fund (B-SMEQ)
Risk Level
Level 6
Fund Type
  • Equity Fund
  • Cross Investing Fund
  • Not Exposed to Foreign Investment Risk
Investment Policy
The Fund invests in the equities of small and medium-sized companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand and/or Market for Alternative Investment (mai) which have high growth potential, good fundamentals and corporate governance, averaged in an accounting year not less than 80% of the NAV. In addition, the consideration on good corporate governance will be based on CG scoring of Thai Institute of Directors or other related agencies or the Management Company.

For the remaining portion, the Fund may invest in other securities including unlisted securities, fixed-income securities, deposits, alternative assets and other assets as specified or approved by the SEC. Moreover the fund may invest in derivatives to enhance the efficient portfolio management, structured note, investment units of mutual funds including CIS funds, infra funds, property funds, REITs, private equity funds and ETFs. The Fund also invests in the investment units of other mutual funds under the same management averaged in an accounting year not more than 20% of the NAV. In addition, the invested fund can invest in other funds under the same management company but can only cascade to a maximum of 1 level.
Dividend Payment Policy
No dividend
Subscription and Redemption of Investment Units
  • Bangkok Bank branches
    Dollar Cost Averaging: DCA
Every trading day of the Fund, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
  • Bangkok Bank Mobile Banking
    Bualuang iBanking / Bualuang ATM / Bualuang Phone
Every day 24 hours (Orders placed after 4:00 p.m. or 
on non-trading days will be processed on the next trading day)
Management Company
BBL Asset Management Company Limited
Kasikorn Bank Public Company Limited
Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited

Fund Information

Download the BCAP SET Index Fund (BCAP-SET) information


  • Investments are not deposits and carry the risk that investors may not receive their money back in full when the investment is redeemed (the principal is not guaranteed).
  • Investors are strongly advised to study the product characteristics including the prospectus, fund policy, returns conditions, risks, and fund performance before deciding to invest.


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