Learning Modules

Bangkok Bank has initiated a special training program, "Student Internship Program (SIP)," aimed at enhancing knowledge , providing essential skills and practical experiences for Thai students in all fields of study from both domestic and international institutions. Additionally, SIP equips participants with business acumen cover in basic knowledge and important role of Thai commercial banks’ structure. Also, fostering leadership qualities, and cultivating a sense of social responsibility to prepare them for future careers.


Participants are challenged to create a feasible and profitable business plan by using innovative and analytical thinking. Presenting their business project to senior Bangkok Bank executives.


Participants enhance their leadership and teamwork skills by effective working with others through sharing their experiences and opinions in groups.

Social Responsibility

Participants cultivate a sense of social responsibility and environmental awareness through engaging in CSR activities, fostering an understanding of sustainable business practices.

Learning and Development Activities



Lectures and discussions on various topics are given by prominent guest speakers from the government, state enterprises and the private sector, including Bangkok Bank.


Workshop & Sharing


Participants learn through workshops and share their experiences in groups to enhance their leadership skills and learn to work with others as a team.


Activities and Projects


Participants work on a business project both inside and outside the classroom. They present their business plans and set up an outstanding booth to demonstrate their concepts and capture the interests of passers-by and visitors.


Contact Us


For more information, please send us an e-mail: sip@bangkokbank.com



  • The training is free of charge.
  • Certificates will be awarded to participants who attend at least 90% of all class sessions.    


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How to Apply

Bangkok Bank holds two SIP classes each year and invites interested students to apply.

Regular Program

For Thai students studying in Thailand (Regular Program) and Assumption University

English program in Thailand or abroad

For Thai students studying abroad and in English programs in Thailand

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find out whether the materials submitted online have been received?
Participants will receive an e-mail notification regarding the announcement of eligible applicants for the exam within three days after application. If there is no notification, please call (66) 0 2685 7716.
What will happen if I have not submitted completed documents?
You will not be eligible for the selection process.
What is the selection process?
All participants are required to take a test and be interviewed.
Are there any expenses in the training?
The training is free of charge.
How do I find out if I have been accepted in the program?
  • The successful candidates will be notified via email. 
  • Call (66) 0 2685 7716, 0 2685 7740
Where does the training take place?
  • Silom Road Head Office for the opening ceremony, closing ceremony and business project presentation
  • The Bangkok Bank Rama III Office (the Training Center) for lectures
What will happen if the participant cannot join the whole program?

Only participants who attend at least 90% of all class sessions and attend the business project presentation session in the closing ceremony will pass and be awarded with certificates.

Tools & Assistance

For more information,
send us an e-mail

Tools & Assistance

For more information, send us an e-mail

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