- Low (Level 1): You need returns that are a little higher than from depositing money at the bank. You do not want any risk and have short-term investment goals.
- Medium to Low (Level 2-4): You can accept a low level of risk and are focused on protecting your capital with the aim of consistent investment returns.
- Medium to High (Level 5): You can accept capital losses from time to time.
- High (Level 6-7): You can accept a high level of risk, market fluctuations and capital losses in search of investment growth and long-term returns.
- Very High (Level 8): You can accept a high level of risk and the possibility of significant capital losses in search of high returns.
Disclaimer: These questions are prepared with the aim of initially assessing and recommending mutual funds that suit your investment goals and the level of risk you are prepared to accept. Hence, the data analysis in this questionnaire does not constitute investment decisions or advice. It is not intended to invite or direct the purchase or sale of funds in any way. Investors are required to study more information and carefully consider their options at their discretion before investing.