The Fund only invests in the investment units of Bualuang Future Equity Generation Fund (the Master Fund), averaged in an accounting year not less than 80% of the NAV. The Master Fund is an equity fund which invests in foreign equities of companies whose businesses benefit from future-looking trends or are related to technology and/or innovation developed to meet future consumption needs, business and economy trends. The Master Fund may invest in CIS units and/or ETF related to such businesses to have net exposure in such foreign equities averaged in an accounting year not less than 80% of the NAV.
For the remaining portion, the Fund will invest in securities or other assets as determined or approved by the SEC both domestically and internationally including derivatives to hedge against foreign exchange at the discretion of the Fund Manager and/or efficient portfolio management and/or structured notes.
Investors can view more information of the Master Fund – click
The Management Company may change the type and special characteristics of the Fund to be a Fund of Funds, direct investment or return to be Feeder Funds without increasing risk and significant change in returns. This is at the discretion of the Fund Manager depending on the market situation for the maximum benefits of unitholders.