Sustainability Policy
The Bank is committed to conducting business responsibly for the benefit of society and creating value for all groups of stakeholders in order to maintain its reputation and credibility and to grow continuously and steadily. The Bank recognizes the linkage between the growth of the economy and its business, as well as the interrelationship between the economy, society, and the environment. Continuous economic growth, social equity, people’s quality of life, and a healthy environment are all prerequisites for the Bank’s sustainable growth.
Economic, social, and environmental stresses are increasing and this may negatively affect the Bank's long-term business operations, the country's economic growth potential, and the quality of life of many people, including the Bank’s employees. The Bank is also facing challenges from technological disruption and there is intensifying competition from both banks and non-bank businesses. The Bank therefore needs a framework to deal appropriately and promptly with such challenges and to prove its commitment to be a “trusted partner and reliable close friend” that creates sustainable value for all groups of stakeholders as well as society.
This sustainability policy serves as a guideline for all executives and employees which will help to drive the organization towards sustainability and contribute to sustainable economic and social development. Sustainability practices are integrated into its business strategies as it adheres to the principle of balancing the benefits between every group of stakeholders. The Bank does not merely aim to create maximum customer satisfaction or to generate the highest returns for shareholders but also seeks to satisfy the interests of other stakeholders. These include supporting the well-being of employees, uplifting the quality of life of people in society as a whole, including vulnerable groups, conserving the environment and natural resources to ensure a legacy for future generations and collaborating with customers, suppliers, and various sectors to support inclusive and sustainable development.
The Bank’s management prepares for uncertainty by adopting prudent and comprehensive risk management and business opportunity assessment. This covers material issues in both the short-and long-term, including employee well-being and development, good corporate governance, creating sustainable value for society and environment, and collaborating with all sectors to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. All of which will help the Bank to effectively respond to challenges and changes and to create sustainable value for all in the society.