The Fund has a mixed investment policy by investing in onshore and offshore assets as follows:
- Debt instruments and/or investment units of fixed income funds
- Equities and/or investment units of equity funds
- Investment units of alternative funds
- Investment units of property funds and/or REITs and/or investment units of infrastructure funds
- BCAP Global Wealth 10 Super Saving Fund (BCAP-GW10 SSF) will invest in assets in No.2 - 4 combined not more than 10% of the NAV.
- BCAP Global Wealth 25 Super Saving Fund (BCAP-GW25 SSF) will invest in assets in No.2 - 4 combined not more than 25% of the NAV.
- BCAP Global Wealth 50 Super Saving Fund (BCAP-GW50 SSF) will invest in assets in No.2 - 4 combined not more than 50% of the NAV.
- BCAP Global Wealth 75 Super Saving Fund (BCAP-GW75 SSF) will invest in assets in No.2 - 4 combined not more than 75% of the NAV.
- BCAP Global Wealth 90 Super Saving Fund (BCAP-GW90 SSF) will invest in assets in No.2 - 4 combined not more than 90% of the NAV.
The Fund will invest offshore not more than 79% of the NAV and may invest in the investment units of other funds under the management of the Management Company not more than 100% of the NAV.
The Fund may invest in derivatives for efficient portfolio management or for hedging purposes depending on the discretion of the Fund Managers. Moreover, the Fund may invest in non-investment grade instruments or instruments with the issuers rated as non-investment grade.
The Management Company reserves the right to change the type and special characteristics of the Fund to a fund with direct investment, Feeder Fund or a Fund of Funds which shall be in accordance with the regulations of the Office of the SEC or by approval of the Office of the SEC. Changes to the type and special characteristics of the Fund shall not increase the Fund’s risk spectrum and shall be at the discretion of Fund Managers depending on the market situation at the given time, for the best interests of the unitholders. The Management Company shall notify unitholders at least 30 days prior to such changes through its website: and/or any other channel as deemed appropriate.