Key Benefits

Fixed Annuity for Retirement

Receive an annual payment of 20% of the sum assured from the ages of 60 to 85

Coverage and Premium

Protection until the age of 85 and choose to pay for 8 years or yearly until a policy anniversary when the Insured reaches 60 years of age

Easy to Apply

No health checkups or questionnaires.

Tax Deductible

Annuity insurance premiums are tax-deductible, in line with Revenue Department conditions*

*The annuity insurance premium is tax-deductible up to 200,000 baht, according to the Notification of the Director-General of the Revenue Department on Income Tax (No. 194, 261, 362, 369, and 386).

Additional Information

Coverage and Benefits



1. If death occurs before the annuity payment period (before the policy anniversary date of the year the Insured turns 60)

Receive the following benefit, whichever amount is greater
•  105% of the accumulated premiums paid to the Company (If the Insured passes away during the policy year, the Company will calculate the paid premiums as a full policy year)
•  Cash surrender value

2. If death occurs during the annuity payment period (from the policy anniversary date of the year the Insured turns 60 to the policy anniversary date of the year the Insured turns 85)

Receive the equivalent of accumulated premiums paid to the Company, deducted by the annuity payments already made to the Insured.
(If the sum of the annuity payments already made to the Insured by the time of death is greater than the accumulated premiums, the Company will not pay additional benefits.)

3. If no death occurs

The Insured will receive an annuity payment of 20% of the sum assured that appears in the policy or endorsement (if any). The first payment will be made on the policy anniversary date after the Insured has turned 60. Payment will be made yearly until the policy anniversary date after the Insured has turned 85.

  • If the sum assured is reduced before the annuity payment period begins, the pre-reduction premiums will also be reduced in proportion to the reduced sum assured. On the benefit payment date, if there are any outstanding liabilities under this insurance policy, the Company has the right to deduct them from the amount to be paid first. 
  • If the Insured has any liabilities under this policy on the policy anniversary date of the year that the first annuity payment is made, the Company will deduct the cash surrender value at the time from the said liabilities and calculate a new sum assured on which the annuity payment will be based. The annuity will decrease proportionately per the endorsement. 

    Once the Insured begins receiving annuities, the Insured does not have the right to surrender the policy or switch to a reduced paid-up insurance option.
  • Insurable age:
    • 20 – 50 years old for premium payment 8 years
    • 20 – 55 years old for premium payment until a policy anniversary when the Insured reaches the age of 60
  • Coverage period: until the age of 85
  • Premium payment period: 8 years old or until a policy anniversary when the Insured reaches the age of 60
  • Sum assured: 100,000 baht - unlimited (maximum limit according to stipulated conditions of AIA Company Limited)
  • Payment mode: Annually / Semi-annually / Quarterly / Monthly
    (If the premium is paid monthly, the first payment will include an advanced payment of two months.)
Premium Rates
Standard insurance premium rates per sum assured of 1,000 baht for the age range of 20 - 50 for premium payment 8 years, and for the age range of 20 – 55 for premium payment until a policy anniversary when the Insured reaches the age of 60 (depending on gender, age, and payment mode)

Premium Payment Period (years)

Annual Premium (baht)



8 years

244 - 515

219 - 504

Every year until a policy anniversary
when the Insured reaches the age of 60

66 - 884

61 - 860

Estimated calculation of premium payment mode
  • Semi-annually = Annual Premium Rate x 0.51
  • Quarterly = Annual Premium Rate x 0.27
  • Monthly = Annual Premium Rate x 0.09
How to apply
Seek consultation and advice for life insurance planning by contacting Bangkok Bank branches that offer this service, or call 1333

AIA Company Limited Tel. (66) 0 2353 8855, Website
Assured by AIA Company Limited

  • Be Together Smart Retirement is the marketing name for AIA Annuity 85 (Tax deductible).
  • Life insurance premiums are tax-deductible from your personal income tax, subject to conditions of the Revenue Department.
  • Life insurance is not a bank deposit. If you terminate your policy early, you may receive returns less than the paid premiums, subject to the time of policy termination.
  • The applicant is advised to study details of product information in the prospectus before deciding to buy insurance. After receiving the policy, the Insured is advised to study the terms and conditions in the policy contract.
  • Bangkok Bank is a life insurance broker, acting as an agent between customer and AIA Company Limited. AIA Company Limited conditions apply to insurance approval.
  • The applicant has the duty to provide true information in applying for insurance. Any concealment of truth or declaration of false statements may cause the insurance company to cancel the insurance contract or refuse to pay the claims under the insurance contract.
  • Terms and conditions of coverage will be specified in the policy issued to the policyholder.

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